About Token

Welcome to $MTGA, Imagine shooting a man with your last bullet and he stands there unfazed. $MTGA is pioneered by the unshakable and indefatigable power of Donald Trump who escaped assassination yet remains unfazed. $MTGA is not just a token, it's a revolution and a stance against the oppressors.


Total supply 1,000,000,000

Taxes 0/0

Mint Revoked

Liquidity Burned


How to Buy

Create a ton wallet

Create a new Ton Wallet with $MTGA.

Get some ton

Buy some TON at en exchange, and send your TON to your Tonkeeper Address. You can also bridge your tokens using Bridges on TON.

Buy at Dedust.io

Now, connect your wallet to Dedust.io and buy your tokens. Also, to improve the user experience, you can use bots to purchase directly via telegram. You can use bots like Stonks trading bot. Just add the bot, connect or create your wallet, past the CA into the bot and purchase amount what are you looking for.

Make Trump Great Again